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Wednesday, April 15, 2009
yup. 1 month plus and the wait is over. yes miniature pleibians, it's time for another one of my great posts!

just kidding.

syf is over and i'm rather free now. at least, it seems that i'm more free now. however, a look at the recently released APR clearly shows that i should be less free. seriously. i think i've been slacking around too much liao. sometimes i don't do my homwwork and need to rush it out in class, or sometimes i even need to do it in another teacher's class. it's becoming something ike a bad habit for me. must change sooner or later...

anyhoo, RIMB will be performing on the 30th April as a joint SYf series performance with the rest of the musical groups. it's free, at the school hall i think. anyone interested?

plan to arrange one particular song for our upcoming concert. it's a percussion ensemble, and there are roughly 12-13 parts. thus, we might need to rope in people from other sections to help play the easier, so called "minor parts".

the instruments are, in order of appearance,

-agogo bell

gears are to keep beat, although we won't be using those

here's a video:

Till next post...

Sunday, March 1, 2009
hi peeps.

maths test just over, and i kinda think i screwed up. sianzzzz. that's what you get for not getting enough sleep for the past few weeks...

homework piling up as usual, wish i had somesort of device to stop time, like when you are too busy to finish a movie you just press pause, then you do your stuff, then you come back and then press play. if only life had a remote...

band practises rather hectic, but i'm glad to see that we have been making some sort of progress. was rather impressed when the horns could actually play the parts that had been assigned to them properly in the right rhythm. managed to run through the song a few times the past prac. very impressive in my opinion.

my neighbour in the next block that i know plays the sax. he's in band of course. secondary school also. have to find out what song his school is playing for SYF this year.

i'm starting to notice this trend of spamming on people's textboards. first my class blog, then the band blog. seems that some people really have no life. first they flame you/ your blog/ your whatever, then you argue back they suddenly change, either calling you immature for flaming, or they just leave without a trace, leaving your IQ decreased.

i know a very good example of a flamer/spammer, but since i'm not one to start conflicts, i shall remain mum as to who that person is. as to why people like them want to flame, who knows? after all, who can understand the mind of an idiot?

P.S a disclaimer. once again, i did not explicitly mention anyone in this post, and if i'm going to get flamed for criticising anyone with this particular post, well, let's just say that i can't blame you for having the intelligence of an amoeba and the comprehension skills of a microbe.

Till next post...

Sunday, February 22, 2009
poof. just came back from mervyn's other house (quice nice also) after a day of doing ERP. tried out other games like sushido, harvest time (first time playing and i won woo!), and other random games on viwawa. also managed to persuade mervyn to join viwawa (but i don't know his wawa name so i can't add him yet. hmm...)

in terms of work, we managed to get some work done. emphasis on SOME. rest will be completed later individually i think.

went on wikipedia and searched "mervyn" for fun. found out there really is a company called "mervyns" in USA. showed it to mervyn and he was excited until he found out that company filed for bankruptcy. the squeal when he found out was priceless. PRICELESS. (in a good way)

parents fatched me home with viet cos it was raining damn heavily at around 3 plus. through conversation, i found out:

-viet is not vietnamese-chinese, he is just vietnamese (he has no chinese surname)
-his name has no meaning (really)
-his scholarship only lasts for like 4 years, from last year. once he's done here, he wants to go to UK.
- he sort of understands chinese, cos some chinese and vietnamese words sound similiar.
- viet and nam weren't from the same school/class.

chinese is screwing up. it's like making a bomb. one errant twitch, one wrong word here and there and kablooiie! your marks blow up in your face. combine that with highly volatile marking, and you can see why my chinese is in a wreck now. it's not i don't have any of the right tools. it's that some tools i need are missing and sometimes i don't know how to use the tools that i have now. hope that by the end of the year i'll be able to assemble a real whopper that will be sure to ensure me a good grade (and not blow up in my face) the ironic thing is that when i'm typing this i'm trying to assemble a bomb called "ying yong wen er"

band is on tmr at 9-4. goodness, it's like working. except you don't get paid. kirk says this is going to sto ponce we get past the SYF period. it better...

just got a new junior for eupho, called errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... i forgot. sorry. i'm not very good at remembering names.

haizz... must go and finish the bomb now.

Till next post...

Sunday, February 8, 2009
hai... i know it's been a looooong time since i posted something, but hey, with so much stuff going on around these few months, i can't say i have had alot of time to write...

but anyhoo, stuff in my life has been piling up for a while, so i think this will be a rather long post. bear with me.

first, my class is almost the same as last year, except different seating arrangement, i have moved diagonally forward and am now in the front row. (damn it. come to think of it now, i shouldn't have sat there. always kena catch by the teacher when i don't finish my work. also can't sleep when lessons get really boring like SS, Geog sometimes...) teachers are all the same as last year, except for languages. english teacher is mz. kuang (yes. it's mZ. she refuses to be called ms. or miss kuang because she says it's a disrespectful term. it's along story, but since it's along post, i'll write it down anyway. first, miss. something makes the woman sound as if she is unable to "catch" a husband. -_-) and chinese teacher is zhang hongshi (from china, but is korean. another complicated family tree) leassons with them have been rather interesting, with laughs, talking and intereaction. hope we can keep the chinese teacher. she's one of the better chinese teachers i've had in secondary school. and that's saying something.

cca next. practise has been hectic and long, the pressure is on as SYF is nearly a month away, and we haven't mastered like, ANY of our pieces that we will be playing. combine that with some juniors that are screwed up in terms of playing , attitude and attendance, you can see from my viewpoint as SL why i've been worrying so much. another piece of evidence showing our worrying situation: kirk is getting angry. yes. kirk almost never gets angry, and he just recently held us back to lecture us about our performance until very late. and i got angry with my section as well, to be precise, some member of my section. hai... i'll just let it pass for now. shall go home and think about my situation, what i should next and whatnot. will also play epic sounding music to cheer myself up.

and brandon got angry with his section as well. not surprising, since he gets pissed very easily (too easily, if you know what i mean) and also his section isn't performing as well as it was last time. band is in a techinical recession now, but don't give up everybody, not when we've gone so far already!

"Just gotta wait out the down cycle... yeah... everything will be fine..."- random quote from one of the enemies in the game that i'm playing now.

i also have to take this opportunity to commend my section including that person for putting in their effort during these few months, and also to tell them that no matter what happens in the end, as long as you've put in your best, don't go too hard on yourself. i know it's not easy being labelled indirectly as the "worst section" in the band, but still... always remember:

"yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. but today is a gift. that's why it's called the present."

use it well.

last week was rather hectic, one day i even reached home at 10 pm. yes. it's a new record. never once has this happened before. oh well, i guess for me everything has to be late.

-go home late
-have meals late
-sleep late
-wake up slightly late next day
-almost be late for school next day

you get the picture.

anyhoo, last tuesday spent sometime during unofficial band practice to play Take 5 with yifan. i was on piano. yes that pathetic piece of shit that sits in the corner of the band room. that thing with many silent keys and every note sharp. that thing that is only good for spare parts now. anyway, the piece was quite fun, being in 5/4 and such, yifan always had some problems reaching certain notes or getting the melody, but hey, in the end it sounded quite nice. and we might be using it for yifan's big debut next week. hmmm...

just met new sec 1 recruits for this year. i have 3 new hornists (yuran (taiwanese scholar i think. 15 years old but doesn't look like it), danial and sean. all have musical experience) and 1 new euphoniumist (jedediah. no musical experience) and i don't know exactly the reason but, but on the first day of CCA, jedediah wants to QUIT. said his first choice was table tennis, so he went to talk to mr jee, mr jee suanned him by telling him that the school didn't let him join because he wasn't good enough. ouch. if you were him, you would feel really lousy now, and even less in favour of band, wouldn't you?

thinking back, being leader of the section has taught be important skills on how to deal with people, people who listen and are cooperative, people who are more problematique, and also how to persuade and most importantly, lead. despite me not being able to play a horn, i think my section has made lots of progress. good work. not too much praise now cos i don't want to count my chickens before they hatch.

preparation for band camp has started, the theme is currently secret cos we dun want to spoil it for anyone. might volunteer to be station master or floater. (but if i want to be floater i must learn how to throw like a nitro splicer) anyway... it's going to be fun. and lame. but most of all, it's going to be useful.

went out to visit some people this chinese new year, ang pow earnings were less than previous years, but hey, everyone's earning less now, so why shouldn't we as younger people get the same treatment?

Sian. would write more but am tired now.

Till next post...

Sunday, December 28, 2008
hey peeps. i know it's been more than a month that i've posted on this blog, but hey, you can't blame me for having an uninteresting and probably unfulfilling Nov/Dec Holidays...

anyhoo, i know it's abit late, but i'm posting now cos yesterday was quite a special day for me. i'm finally 15, and i would like to thank all those who actually remembered:

1. Family
2. Relatives who came for yesterday's party.
3. Friends, namely Si Kai, Kieran, Alvin, Jack, Java, Mervyn, Parry, Danial and Ben Nah

thanks alot.

Till nest post...

Monday, November 24, 2008
well, we just got the set piece for SYF next year. it's called "two overtures for wind band", and reading through the conductor's score, all i can say is

GOOD LUCK (we'll need it. don't forget lots of practise too.)

of course, not everything is bad news. all sctions have been making progress, and i think that if we can keep at this pace we could be well on our way to winning a gold with honours next year. mr. oura has been pretty content with how we have been doing so, keep up the good work everybody! especially the sec 1s, who are probably stil new to this band life, and also relatively new to your instruments as well. for you, SYF next year will probably the most challenging thing to happen to you in your four years of band life, since it's your first time probably performing in front of a real crowd for real judges, not forgetting you are representing your school as well. don't be scared though, just do your best. don't forget each person up there has the support of the others as well. (unless you are doing some solo.) for those who still can't play relatively well, don't fret, there is still time for you to learn. just make sure you put in the effort. that's what counts.

oh and jun hong, you still owe me 40 pushups and counting... (i didn't forget what happened you know...)

Till next post...

P.S should i continue designing cards for a 3T deck, or should i wait for next year to see what are the new positions? and who can give me tips on how to draw? thnx.

P.S.S most people whose blogs i've read are getting OIP withdrawal symptoms. tsk tsk...

Monday, November 17, 2008
oh goodness. life in singapore is sort of BORING. i finally see why people want to go for OIP. haizzzz...

had some talk with sheng wei last night on MSN. he was in Hanoi, and apparently over there it's one hour ahead of singapore time. so yeah, i'm there listening to how his host is like, how Jack was attracting girls already, how it wasn't flooded like the news said, how you were allowed to jaywalk all over the place, and basically what they/he did. and it did sound nice. only thing bad was sheng wei complaining about his mosquito bites.

oh well, guess it's only like that when you are at home during the weekends. i'm saying this because when i went for band during the weekdays i never felt any sort of boredom like this. guess that's the magical effect of getting out of the house once in a while.


Till next post...

life's a canvas
Your typical neighbourhood mad scientist.
CHS (Pri) 4I, 5H, 6I
RI 1P, 2P, 3T
Likes science, card games, friends, family, puzzles, kind/fun-to-be-with people. Currently trying out sports.
Dislikes arrogant showoffs, people who leech off others, irritants, suanners and liars. bold italics and underline


comes and goes
Wei Min
Wei Min's Shop
Min Min
Aloysius (dead)
1P '06
Lin Jin
Hiok Yang
RIMB '09
Ying Feng
Wai Choong
Jian Wei
Mr Oura
Yi Fan
Lin Jin (English/SS)

pick the palette
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009

designer: anxiety
images: streetcarcircus
font: dafont